Old ways of conducting business and driving the economy have led to a fragile socio-economic structure and out-of-balance ecosystems fast
nearing tipping point.
We are standing on a precipice of potential, with impressive innovations being developed
across multiple sectors at lightning speed.
Outdated extractive and exploitative economic models producing irresponsible consumption, an unsustainable industrialised growth culture and widening wealth inequality, have contributed to unprecedented global uncertainty.
In the backdrop of these economic shockwaves remains the multiple complex issues relating to environmental degradation, biodiversity loss and climate change.
This perfect storm of deeply interlinked polycrises have exposed deep-rooted systemic problems that is depleting social structures and natural resources whilst failing to overcome world issues.
There is a wealth of expert talent, viable alternative models and pioneering green tech. innovations, such as renewable energies, circular solutions, regenerative design communities and more already out there. All the necessary building blocks exist to construct an elevated standard of living for all.
At this critical time for humanity we need to act swiftly and with long-term vision to build resilience to withstand future crises.
Through mobilizing strategic planning, intelligent systems, political will, adequate resourcing and radical collaboration, we can increase the capacity of our social and environmental systems to heal and thrive.

Lilypad image © Vincent Callebaut Architectures

We are in the midst of a transitional gateway, traversing a bridge from old conventions into new ways of living.
The breakdown of outdated structures is our wake-up call, forcing us to halt present activities, rethink our future trajectory and get clear on what is truly important to us as a global society.
Now is the time of unprecedented opportunity to seize the moment and address the structural root causes of these issues, decouple growth from consumption and environmental degradation and redefine our economies’ relationship with nature.
We can no longer return to ‘business-as-usual’ and the same downwards trajectory of undermining natural ecosystems as before. Ecosystem restoration is paramount in slowing down the onset of climate change. Urgent solutions are required.

We are sounding a rallying call for radical collective action to:
Accelerate efforts to improve environmental regeneration
Embrace new models for a sustainable recovery
Open up avenues for policy reform and systemic change
Facilitate a more resilient culture that better sustains life on our planet

If not now, when?